So to begin the trip, we have the road trip on Friday from Vancouver to Fernie, BC. It's supposed to be a 12 hour drive but ended up being a 16 hour adventure for 3.
Everything was going quite smoothly until some strange metal piece FLEW off our car. After a few cars drove over the run away part, we picked it up and tried to pretend we knew what we were doing and place it back where it was supposed to go. Without it we would be driving a loud bad ass Rav4 for 8 hours. We're not very bad ass.
Ben was the one who got it temp fixed so we could get to Rod's place before sunrise. Way to go Mr. Krich!!
On Saturday, our first mini mini trip was to Lake Kookanusa where we found our own private camp site with our own private Jamaican sand beach. We felt really special. In between patting ourselves on the back, we managed to relax, play FrizKnock in the water, speak Science by the fire and cook hot dogs.

On Sunday we enjoyed more camping fun times.
But the fun didn't end there. Monday consisted of White Water Rafting (thanks to Jared of Mountain High Rafting in Fernie), frizbee golf and hanging out in Fernie. We didn't end up getting rafting pictures...which is a shame because that was AMAZING.
Good form, Brina!
The boys all suited up for their meeting with destiny.
We prepared our sweaty feet for the ride down.
The waterfall of greatness.
Rainbow of greatness.
But the fun didn't end there. Monday consisted of White Water Rafting (thanks to Jared of Mountain High Rafting in Fernie), frizbee golf and hanging out in Fernie. We didn't end up getting rafting pictures...which is a shame because that was AMAZING.

Tuesday was another day of new discoveries and brilliance. We all slept in (finally) and did a bit of shopping in town while Rod put a few hours in. When we all got together in the afternoon, Rod, Ben and some friends did a quick mountain bike ride in the backyard...but first you have to take the truck the mountain...and then the girls have to take the truck down to the house...and the mountain is STEEP...and I've never driven Rod's truck before. We didn't scream once!!

And Wednesday was the saddest day of all. It was packing and spend time in Cranbrook day. SIGH. All good things must come to an end. But we didn't waste any time, even near the end. We managed to witness an amazing waterfall in Marysville and then buy apple strudel in Kimberley. When Rod and I were driving back to Fernie we encountered a super bright rainbow to lead us all the way home. Anyone know how rainbows form? I think I might do a little research.

i lied again. You only get 2 pictures per day :| sorry. If you want more, Teenie can share some of hers. Just ask nicely.
OMG who's the darkie in the pictures?! :|
Benny & Teenie want to tell Beansie and Roddie that WE MISS FERNIE!! :(
Best summer vacation party EVER!
beans and robo want benny and teenie to know they are welcome ANY time. Any time. Seriously. Come back tomorrow. FUN!
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