Dana and myself probably wouldn't be the friends we are today without the Jazz Festival. Is that a bold statement? I'll let you be the judge. When we were working together at the Lululemon warehouse, Dana put it out there to everyone that she wanted to leave work early for a Gastown show and we (Dana and I) were the only ones that went...two strangers living in a dangerous time.
So the Jazz Festival will always be special in our hearts. Hey Dana? Special? OH YOU KNOW IT'S SPECIAL.

Speaking of Dana, the other day we were enjoying a nice mid day break on the Heritage Hall steps when a man with a camera came up to Dana and asked to take a picture of her and her funny t-shirt. It was for a series he's working on. HM! A bit random wouldn't you say?
As he took a picture of her, I quickly snapped a picture of them. I'm going to say it's part of my series on people taking pictures of Dana's t-shirts. This is picture number one.

I love seeing your work! And then to see a post about Dana is fun too! She probably won't know my married name, but Laura (friends with Karen and Bec) might clue in. Who knows. Whatever - fun to read about anyways!!
OOOH, thanks, laura! I asked Dana about you and she totally knew who you were. How weird! Was that just some crazy coincidence? or not? Pretty fun anyways.
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