Saturday was spent shopping for Ben's youngest brother Sam's birthday present. Belated birthday present, I may add. We joined forces with his older brother Joel and girlfriend, Ella, and the four of us proceeded to comb through the W.4th shops in search for the perfect present. Since I have our present in my hallway waiting to be posted, I can't tell you the results but I CAN tell you we took turns patting each other on the back at the end of our expedition.

It was FUN! I got to eat a Nathan's famous hot dog, a cup of fries, a root beer, some of Mike's warm peanuts (which, apparently, is fair game to throw the shells on the floor, on your seat or in your friend's face) and a mini-donut or two from Len (and no, it's not fair game to throw these in your friends faces).
At the end of every inning, they do some entertaining thing kind of like half time at a basketball game. It's a great way for boys to refill their plastic cups with beer and for the rest of us to not get bored. That's not even the BEST part. The best part is how much our baseball team and our stadium and everything about this game, here in Vancouver, is SOOOOOO Vancouver.
They. Had. A. Sushi. Race.
A sushi race! ONLY in Vancouver would you see characters dressed up like your california roll, your kappa maki and your wasabi having it out around a baseball diamond.

That, my friends, was worth the $11 entrance. Oh yes, a sushi race.
As the sun went down, dusk settled into its cozy corner and the crowd wrapped themselves up in anything that would keep them warm. What's a great way to wrap up a fantastic evening of baseball? With a wicked fireworks show put on for us after the game. I think the roman candles shooting into the air were my favourite.

Sunday was family fun in the sun day with my brother Court, his babymama Karen, and my little niece Lexybear. We drove out after lunch to their place and realized that we were being used (just as we were using them for their beautiful saline pool) as entertainers of Lexy for the day. I'm pretty sure as soon as we got there they "had to do something" or "just gotta go out for a minute" and left the three of us to play amongst ourselves.
Ben and Lexy had some discussions, the three of us frolicked in the pool and played many, many pool games including joust with pool noodles. (Lexy and I won, Benny totally lost.)

Is that where the fireworks are coming from!?!?! I hear them go off here and there but never see where it's happening. Nat Bailey! Of course. Sushi race! Of course.
hm yeah, i should've taken the dates down...they've got a FEW weekends with fireworks post game. it's quite the show. we should go watch a game. throw peanuts on each other and everything.
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