Stay Calm
It's best to stay calm. Life tends to throw us all hot steamy meatballs once in a while, almost daily for some, and calmness is our desired state. You have to grab those oven mitts and catch the unexpected meatballs with confidence and pride.
So with this is mind, you first need to open the pretty envelope with your name on it. If your name isn't on it, I might recommend leaving it alone and maybe starting a Sudoku puzzle instead. This is another person's journey.
Give yourself some space
As you slip the invitation out of the pretty envelope you'll find in front of you an invitation to an upcoming wedding. It looks deceiving. Your brain tells you it's just a 1-fold invitation and you can make one quick swift movement and all the information is in front of you...but...but there's something different about this invitation. There are 2 folding edges. There are 2 edges!!! That means there's more...there's more going on here than you thought. How exciting. You might want to sit down.
The invitation is still in front of you. Waiting. You see the cover and accept your responsibility to see what's behind door #1. Let's all look and see what happens to the following 2-fold invitation receiver...

That was amazing.
Did you see how that all played out? It's like nothing I've seen before. Now go. Get yourself ready for the 2-fold invitation that may show up at your door. You're strong and full of power now. I have no more to teach you.
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