January 28, 2009

Picture of the day!

It was a raging success!

My tooth is out, the proof is in the photo, and my recovery is speedy. To tell you the truth, I didn't even know they had taken out the tooth and it seemed within minutes I heard "ok you're done!"

20 minutes! In and out. Thanks, Dr. Amos Kahane!

Sorry if you find this gross...but at the same time it's very beautiful.

brina schenk wisdom tooth


Werner Grundlingh said...

To quote the infamous Ludacris on one of his not-so-quotable songs from the album Incognegro:
"...horrible, horrendous..."

Out the window with the smartness & them there wisdom tooth! Or as Homer Simpson would say:
"I am so smart!
I am so smart!
S-M-R-T... I mean S-M-A-R-T!

Ps. Yes, you've spurred another response from my end with this post!

Anonymous said...

YES! I feel a pressure/need to make it a personal goal to get more responses from you.

And who knew you listened to Ludacris?! I sure didn't.

Anonymous said...

I had my wisdom teeth taken out a little while ago as well but they didn't use enough of the freezing serum so I felt the tools go into my teeth if you can imagine such pain.
But they are out.
And not as nice looking as yours (I had cavities).
Anyways, good job Brina!

Anonymous said...

Oh that last comment was from me and I don't know how to tag my name other than writing it...
Lisa R.

Anonymous said...

Ouch, Lisa! That sucks.

You should see an option for "Name/URL" when posting a comment. You can just put your name in there and leave the URL blank if you like. Do you see that?

Anonymous said...

yeppers! ;)
Was that your only wisdom tooth you got extracted? I've had 2 out so far, lol. Ah dentists; such fun!