Alice Young is a good friend of mine, we met while working at a small Ad Agency just outside of Victoria, and has a unique artistic talent that I considered to be a peaceful art for the patient. She's an experimental calligrapher whose ambition is to modernize a very old tradition.
She's not the first, and won't be the last, who has taken on the art of calligraphy but she's got a prominent voice in the small group of practicing calligraphers and I'm proud to know her and am continuously inspired by her.
Since the beginning of Blue Skies and Daisies, we have had Alice Young listed on our website and contract out her work to anyone who is interested in a classy monogram. Her capabilities go beyond the monogram and if you're interested in seeing what she can do for your wedding design, you should contact her using any of the methods listed below. She's very nice and very helpful.
Pantone has recently, as of December 3rd, released THE COLOUR OF 2009! Yes! This is not a joke. There is a colour picked out to represent the whole 12 months of the following year. It's kind of sweet and bright...optimistic and full of hope. What do you think of it? I myself really like it. It reminds me of reduced prices, which I love.
If you want to read about why they picked this colour, you can do so here. I didn't realize they did this every year, but I'll be sure to keep you posted. So it's the year of Mimosa!! We might as well celebrate with a refreshing cup of orange juice! I know I am.
Erika and Jeremy are getting married in the Los Angeles Central Library and they wanted a fun invitation that represented them and their cool wedding venue. Easy! Erika and Jeremy loved our work online and wanted to let our creative juices do what they desired...and this is what we came up with (below). They were so happy and thrilled with the final product. We're just happy that they're happy. Good luck on all your wedding planning, Erika and Jeremy!!
You may have heard this already but I just found out about it so I'm telling you about it. Jones Soda has been offering custom orders of their popular soda drinks, called myJones, and included in the package: your own photo on the front, a small paragraph above the nutritional information AND choice of soda flavour. My ohhhh my.
Now Rod tells me their Cream Soda is really good.
A few details:
• You must order a minimum of 12 bottles at $29.99 (US Dollars) plus shipping costs. Canadian order totals also include shipping, taxes and brokerage costs as applicable. • You can order multiple flavours by the case but need to use the same photo and text. New pictures and new text requires a new order. • Orders take 2-3 weeks. Shipping only to US and Canada. • 10-20 cases receive a 5% discount and orders above 20 cases get a whopping 10% off (before shipping costs) • Jones Soda rotates their flavours, so make sure they have what you want at the time of ordering. • Jones Soda has a shelf life of 2 years. • They accept Spanish and French text.
I'm feeling a little childish today, as I do most days, and thought I'd share a few links I've found recently that will, no doubt, make you feel 5 years old again. It's such a good sensation.
Paper Toys from the Toymaker! On this site you can download (free) several cool paper toys, which you assemble yourself. You can make all sorts of wonderful toys from a race car to marble mice. Below, I have the Patrin's Frog, which will be an ornament on my Christmas tree in a few hours.
Storynory - free audio stories for kids. - I'm listening to The Golden Goose by The Brothers Grimm at this very moment. Natasha, the story teller, has captured me and won't let go. Now that I think about it, the voice sounds a lot like Lila from Dexter season 2...ohhhh boy...CRAZY LADY.
Dallas Clayton, a talented storyteller and illustrator, has a website of his beautiful stories. He's very interested in making people, including his 5 year old son, happy and he'll do all he can, at the best of his abilities, to make that happen.
In October, we couldn't wait to show off Amy and Brent's Halloween wedding invitation. It was just TOO good to just put on the shelf and collect dust. You must be excited to know we have more stationery bits and pieces to show off from their wedding.
On top of ordering their wedding invitations, Amy and Brent's wish list included: menu cards, table cards, place cards and gift tags. Santa came early this year!
Yesterday I uploaded PAGE 2 of our custom portfolio. I just didn't think there was enough of our custom work and as time goes by we work on more fun and unique wedding stationery, so there HAS to be room for more. The plan was to just show 20 custom weddings, but plans were meant to be broken. Wait. Is that how it goes? Still. There is a lot more to see. Hooray!
(from top to bottom: Sarah and Stewart's CD labels, Ren and Big Mike's wedding invitation and Josselyn and Dan's table cards.)
4. While driving along Highway 3 I noticed these strange electrical poles set up RIGHT beside an electrical pole with a big flat board at the top. This made no sense to my brain and then 2 miles down the road I saw another one with a huge nest on top. Rod then explained to me that the Hydro company sets up these poles because Eagles and Ospreys tend to build nests at the top of the electrical poles (they're so tall with 5 star views,) which makes it either hard to do repairs or is just a risk to the Eagles, so they give them a pole of their own. I thought that was really cool. Picture taken from this website.
5.Online Shopping. Although I haven't actually done this yet, when you're in Fernie, this is how most people do their shopping. The stores in Fernie are smaller and limited in stock so getting over a fear of online shopping is almost essential. The closest city is Cranbrook, an hour West, and Lethbridge, 2 hours East, which have way more options...if you can get there. This also means that every time you do go to Cranbrook, Lethbridge or Calgary, you tend to have a list of places you need to go to, so be prepared before you get on the road. Time is precious!!
6. Fernie, a town of 2,000 to 4,000 (depending on the time of year) has birthed a few names you may have heard of. Here are two Fernie celebrities...
Emily Brydon, much loved by everyone in Fernie, is on the Canadian Alpine Ski Team and a World Cup Bronze medalist. (photo from
Alex Lifeson, born in Fernie, was a guitartist for a little rock band called Rush.
The other day a friend came over and was like "oh you do wedding stationery? my cousin does wedding photography in Campbell River. She's really good. Her name is Erin Wallis. E.r.i.n. Erin Wallis. She's my cousin."
The name stuck and the next day I searched for her website. Her work is fantastic! I also found out she's not just a wedding photographer but a very talented photojournalist who has been all over the world. If you're looking for a new perspective on your wedding, maybe check out Erin Wallis' work.
I just wanted to share something that's exciting in my life at this moment. Ya sharing! I started a little blog of my own to build up an online portfolio of my art work. It's a big step, for me, to put my art out there for people to see. If you want to check it out, no pressure, just head on over to
Odile and Patrick took a few minutes to share their Sooke wedding experience by answering our 4 Questions.
1. How prepared were you going into your BSD meeting? 2. What 3 words describe yourselves as a couple? 3. What was the most memorable moment of your wedding? 4. Any advice for couples planning their own wedding?
1. There is this thing called the 20cm rule. If it snows 20cm over night, everybody gets the day play at the hill. YEAH. This is real. In Fernie there are some companies don't enforce this snow law but there are some towns that literally do shut down following a good dump.
2.0° is not cold. In Vancouver 0° is as cold as it gets and at this temperature everyone is bundled up like they're in Alaska IF they leave their home. At the same time, Fernie doesn't get as cold as Alaska either but I have to look forward to lots of snow and -20°. Hooray!
3. Just 40 minutes from Fernie there is a very interesting little town called Frank. On April 29th, 1903, 90 million tons of rocks fell from Turtle mountain burying the little town of Frank and the people in it. The aftermath is still on the ground today. It's a little morbid but they've managed to make a friendly little theme park out of it. Tragedy preserved.
Jinesa McCaw, the makeup queen, started a bridal makeup service from her home in 2001 and now she's got her own boutique just off of the booming Cambie and West 8th. Her success was inevitable. I wanted to tell you about her today, as her 2 businesses are fantastic and everyone should know about them.
First, Miss McCaw created the mobile hair and makeup company, Pamper Me Pretty, that specializes in pampering brides, wherever they might be located. Second, Jinesa owns and operates a boutique & salon, The Pretty Boutique, for brides, friends and family to have a place to be pampered. She continues to build a talented and educated team of professionals to help her out on the road and in her salon.
Since contacting us in 2007, to design and produce her corporate identity and websites, we have kept our friendship alive and kicking. When you meet good people in your life, you want to help them out as much as you can.
If you're looking to be pampered, you now know where to go...or not go since they will come to you...
What I love, almost more than peanut butter, is building something with someone else. In school I wasn't much of a team player but now that I'm so much more mature and wise, I see the advantages of teaming up with someone that can offer what you cannot.
Derrick and I created The Little Things back in January, Albertine and I started the prototype for a super secret product this summer and this November, just yesterday in fact, Rodney Brink and I have come together to make beautiful art.
I completed this painting a couple months ago and Rod designed a unique frame for it out of cedar wood he found around the garage. We are very proud of the final outcome and display it in our home proudly.
I encourage you to team up with someone and discover how great it can be to create something new and original. Go Team!!
We love it when our couples send us photos!! I'm sure we've stated this before, and it continues to be true. I posted Dragana and David's invitation design in October and on November 8th, at the US Navel Academy in Annapolis, Maryland, they wedded in style! Here are some pictures from their wedding day by the talented Brian Ray. I wish we could have met these two in person as their pictures make them look like loads of fun.
A few good friends of ours in the wedding industry have come together to create this cool little wedding show for those couples who aren't interested in the traditional. All exhibitors are local independent companies with something different to offer and WE are one of them. Of course! Albertine will be representing the two of us on January 17th, so come on out and see what we all have to offer. Tickets are only $15.00 or 4 for $50.00.
For more information regarding who is going to be at Indie I Do, how to purchase tickets and for update-to-date information, visit their website at
Since we're featuring my brother and his wife on our website this month, I thought it would be super sweet of them to answer our 4 Questions for our blog, so you can learn a bit more about who they are and what they thought about their wedding.
1. How prepared were you going into your BSD meeting?
Not prepared at all. We trusted in BSD to help us figure out a design we would both loved and that would reflect on us as a couple. Needless to say, we weren't disappointed! Brina came through with a beautiful design, we couldn't believe how FAST she had created such perfection! We loved it so much we based everything from our guest book to wine labels around it!
2. Three words to describe yourselves as a couple.
Loving, Social, BUSY.
3. What was the most memorable moment of your wedding?
Looking into each others eyes as we said our vows and the true feeling of bliss.
4. Any advice for couples planning their own wedding?
Remember not to get wrapped up in spending too much money on materialistic things. Weddings are supposed to be about love and commitment, not limos and decorations!
Just the other day we got an email filled with excitement from Ruby and Gus, a couple from Toronto, Ontario who hired us to design their wedding and baptism stationery and website, letting us know they are now married and loving it. These two are very special and it was a real treat (as my dad would say) to hear from them.
This has prompted me to share a few of their custom and ready2wear blue skies and daisies designs. Let the excitement build!
Ruby and Gus - August 30th, 2008
Ruby and Gus wanted to keep all their guests fully informed and in the know, so they mailed out wedding invitations and put together a full wedding website. Their invitations were designed just for them, with lots of input and feedback from Ruby and Gus. Their main concern was that the design reflected who they were as a couple...strong, lovable and goofy. Once it was finalized, Ruby had a special stock in mind for the invitations so we sent the files to print in Ontario where she would oversee final production.
A wedding website was built and slightly customized from a Ready2Wear design that Ruby and Gus chose. Included pages were: Welcome, Schedule, Travel and Accommodations, RSVP and Guestbook.
We're so happy for their marital success and wish them all the best...although I know this is not the last we'll hear from them.
WEDDING INVITATION- 1-fold design with an rsvp postcard
Ya, I know you missed me, although you didn't know it. Well, I was off on a bit of an adventure filled with snowy mountains, games and a moose. Oh the stories I will tell when I'm a Grandma!
This is just a quick note to tell you that life is back to normal and we'll continue entertaining you with loads of cool BSD wedding stationery, stories, photography and other things we find interesting.
Don't be mad at me, I'm new at this. I know I'm supposed to blog everyday to say hello and tell you something fun and exciting, but yesterday was a crazy day that got me home just in time to see BARACK OBAMA'S SPEECH!
Not wanting to go into any political discussions, I just want to congratulate all of the American people for coming out and representing last night. Your voices were heard and you want change. Good change! Last night, watching what was happening in Chicago with all the people gathered together watching intently as America's 44th president spoke, I felt like I was part of such a historic moment in time. Suffice to say, I had goosebumps.
It was almost as exciting as watching Madonna last Thursday in Vancouver.
Okay, a little better. :)
Not to be outdone...last night also was the finals night of my first indoor volleyball league. We seeded 4th, we played hard, and we finished 4th. Not as good as a t-shirt but we'll get there!
Hope y'all had an awe-inspiring Tuesday and a fantastic Wednesday...
Albertine here, beginning day one of my new found responsibility...keeping y'all entertained while Brina's away in Mexico for two weeks! Fasten your seatbelts and enjoy the ride!
So, it's been a while since I've blogged and I know, for a lot of you I'm sure, you don't really mind. Beans has done such an amazing job with our blog that I really feel like it's unnecessary for me to even participate. Frankly, there's not too much going on in my life that's deserving of public broadcast.
EITHER we are, thrust into the spotlight with nothing on but our underpants, and can I just say, thank you to everyone for coming out to read our blog everyday (even WHILE it's ME blogging).
Tonight I wanted to share with you something I read from one of my favourite bloggers out there, only because he is one of my all time favourite authors and I'm consistently excited and happy when I hear anything David Sedaris.
The original post about David was actually about his recent piece in the New Yorker (he writes all the time for the New Yorker but also has a lot of his memoirs published in many books, all of which are lining my bookshelf) reflecting on the current US election (holy crap, one day left!) and the group of people known as "undecideds". Reading his piece reminded me of how much I love him and his writing, and made me want to share it with you, my peoples.
For those of you who are getting your first introduction to Mr. Sedaris, here's a clip from his recent visit to David Letterman's studio (another David I must say I do enjoy). If he's not your cup of tea, I totally can understand and appreciate, but for those of you who laugh outloud watching and want to read more of his work, let me know and I can recommend you all of my all time favourite books of his.
The Details Location: Oshawa, Ontario, Canada Venue: Club Loreley Photographer: Walid Lodin Our involvement: custom wedding invitations, RSVP website, wine labels, guestbook sign, CD cover and label design
I was there on that exciting December morning when Trevor and Max went to Canadian Tire and we all experienced a minor mental spasm calculating how many strands of Christmas lights you might need to write "Will you marry me" in the snow. We underestimated quite a bit but that didn't bring Trevor down or change his mind about how he was going to pop the question. She said YES and on 08.08.08 they were joined with our friends and family for a Schenk and Mcewen wedding.
Mandy and Trevor wanted us to help them right from the start, as if they had a choice, and I was more than happy to let my family know how awesome Albertine and I are. Mission accomplished. It's also a pleasure to be able to help out family when you can, especially when it's something you love to do...(read on here)
This is going to be one of our events listed in November's "putting it out there" but I think it might be too need time to plan your bacon events.
Bacon with a Chef
Glenys Morgan, one of Vancouver’s most diverse chefs, will host a class featuring bacon on Saturday, November 1st at 1:00 pm. Spend one hour of your weekend learning creative and unique things to do with bacon, an ingredient all-too-often saturated with guilt rather than an appreciation for its fragrant and bold flavour. Chef Glenys will find inspiration from Sara Perry’s book Everything Tastes Better with Bacon. Cost: $35.00 (book included). Please call 604-688-6755 to register, and visit for more information.
When: November 1, 2008 at 1:00 pm Where: Barbara-Jo's Books to Cooks, 1740 West 2nd Avenue, Vancouver More Info: $35.00 (book included). Please call to register. And then there's:
One Hour Easy: BREAKFAST Saturday, November 8th, 1:00 pm
Chef Glenys Morgan shows us how to start our day off right with Breakfast at the Wolseley by A.A. Gill. Glenys will be cooking up her favourite quick breakfast delights from this elegant book. Guests: 12 - Cost: $39.00
It's not the title of a book but the name of a new company brought to life by Dawn Pittens, an old friend of mine from grade 7 band class (we played the trumpet together). Ms Pittens contacted us a little while ago to get her logo and business cards created and we took on the project like it was our own. Just yesterday Ms Pittens picked up her business cards from the printer (a company in Ontario) and we got a little feedback in our inbox this morning. "Just picked up the business cards and they look FABULOUS!!!! I was very giddy as I handed out my first card tonight and loved the ooooohhhs and ahhhhhhhs that I was getting. Love all your hard work and will definitely recommend you to everyone!!"
I just thought that was a great email to wake up to. Thanks, Dawn.
Here's a look at what we created for Dawn...
If you're in the Oshawa, Ontario area, and you're looking for a small yoga class with a passionate teacher, Dawn Pittens is your girl. She has created a little studio in her house, which gives her the ability to offer small or one-on-one classes at her own schedule.
A big congratulations to Tamara and Mike on their marriage last Saturday!! I was just going through my photos and came across this one of Tamara and Mike's custom bookmark. I guess I was saving this gem for a special sunny day. Enjoy your day!
We did it! I am now settled in Fernie, B.C, or as settled as you can be in 2 days, and I'm just starting to breathe a little and look around me. It's so beautiful here. Today I'll tell my moving story in pictures...
1. Packing. Thanks, Dana and Rod!! We're a good team.
2. The loading. For the first 6 hours, of the 15 hour road trip, we were terrified that the truck will tip over. After 6 stops at the side of the highway in the first 7 km, we decided to get the plastic wrap out and secure the tarp like real shippers would. Rod is so smart.
3. Driving across British Columbia. No problems at all, other than a terrible accident that happened just outside of Invermere, which had us sitting at the side of the road for almost an hour. That's not so much a problem for us as for the people involved in the accident. In the picture to the right you can see the shadow of our questionably loaded truck.
4. Unpacking. I basically unpacked the whole trailer and truck on my own. I am a MACHINE!
5. Living in Fernie. Chopping wood, gorgeous sun sets, photographing Fernie and working in my new fabulous office...
We are the wedding design duo Albertine and Brina. Together, we started up a company in 2003 called blue skies and daisies weddings Inc. BSD offers 100% original wedding stationery designs, inspired by love, life, happiness and everything in between. This blog is about our company, our lives and things that just plain interest us...maybe they'll interest you as well.