November 5, 2008

no...I DIDN'T forget about you yesterday...

Don't be mad at me, I'm new at this. I know I'm supposed to blog everyday to say hello and tell you something fun and exciting, but yesterday was a crazy day that got me home just in time to see BARACK OBAMA'S SPEECH!


Not wanting to go into any political discussions, I just want to congratulate all of the American people for coming out and representing last night. Your voices were heard and you want change. Good change! Last night, watching what was happening in Chicago with all the people gathered together watching intently as America's 44th president spoke, I felt like I was part of such a historic moment in time. Suffice to say, I had goosebumps.

It was almost as exciting as watching Madonna last Thursday in Vancouver.

Okay, a little better. :)

Not to be outdone...last night also was the finals night of my first indoor volleyball league. We seeded 4th, we played hard, and we finished 4th. Not as good as a t-shirt but we'll get there!

Hope y'all had an awe-inspiring Tuesday and a fantastic Wednesday...

Till we meet again,


Alice Young said...

ahha, you had obama mania too!

Alice Young said...

oohhh, teenie did this one. i though even brina had some obama mania there for a minute! i'm with you on this one, teen!