October 3, 2008

show and tell #8 - fall wedding invitations

Amy and Brent

Amy and Brent had such a creative idea for their wedding invitations and, therefore, challenged me in ways I did not think I would be challenged. This invitation makes me want to be their friends! We would have so much fun together...the parties...the tomfoolery...the laughs!! It's also the perfect Halloween wedding invitation. Thanks Amy and Brent for believing in us.

Dragana and David

Dragana and David just wanted a boarding pass invitation that was simple, included their fall colours, and had some sort of tree or branch with leaves on it. Mission not impossible. It's such a pretty design and I'm so glad they loved it right from the start.


Anonymous said...

My gosh Brina, you inspire me! I loved the Amy & Brent card, I wish I could draw as well as you! :)
But if I do say so m'self, I am getting perty good at sketchin'! So that's a start...regardless, you rock, I love how you are so talented. Cheers!

Anonymous said...

Thanks, lisa!

I really can't take all the credit. Some couples have fabulous ideas and I just make it happen.

Glad to hear you're growing as an artist!! Keep up the good work.