Friends of Ben's and mine, Mike & Melinda (who, by the way, got married in Vegas last September!), bought cottage property out in Mission last year and the "super-character-filled" shabin (as I like to call it) definitely needed some TLC to get it up to summer 2008 weekend party speed.
They've enlisted their friends (under Ben's guidance) to build a new deck to replace the old dilapidated deck that currently surrounds the cabin. Since all the kidlets live on the island, it was only fitting to plan a day trip out there prior to the, obviously, deconstruct :)

After getting off to a chilly start, seeing the fruits of our gardening labour last month go down the tubes (the marigold and potato growth is CRAZY!), falling through one of the rotted out boards in the deck (holy), the boys making a RONA run for a "SAW'S ALL" (let me digress for one sec: all day up until we got back into the car to head home I though they were saying "sawzah, sawzah". Weirdos.)---we finally hit our stride and the smashing came easy and naturally.

With a lunch break and a rain break (the sun finally came out in the afternoon), the four of us really came together and killed it. Smashing, smashing...roof gone! Smashing, smashing...railing gone! Smashing, smashing...DECK GONE!

So, you know, if you ever need to get out any pent up frustrations, you should really try smashing stuff. Minus the rusty nails in my leg, it's super fun!
the fruits of our labour

So, you know, if you ever need to get out any pent up frustrations, you should really try smashing stuff. Minus the rusty nails in my leg, it's super fun!

Lastly, I just want all of you to meet someone. This little cotton-ball of a dog decided to come by and visit with its owner (lifers in the grounds). It was all hey look at me, I'm so pretty, pet me, pet we were all awww okay, we'll pet you, look at you, pretty little cotton ball.
That is, until the owner walked a decent enough distance away and no one was looking and I turned to look at it and noticed it was staring at me--
And within seconds, it was running at me and I'm all open-arms, awww come 'ere YOU! and rather than be a sweet poof of a dog instead it ran straight for my leg and started having relations :| BAD cotton ball! BAD COTTON BALL!!!

That is, until the owner walked a decent enough distance away and no one was looking and I turned to look at it and noticed it was staring at me--
And within seconds, it was running at me and I'm all open-arms, awww come 'ere YOU! and rather than be a sweet poof of a dog instead it ran straight for my leg and started having relations :| BAD cotton ball! BAD COTTON BALL!!!

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