May 8, 2008

our stumbled links #3

It took me 9 months to put StumbleUpon back on my laptop after the minor glitch. What a waste of time!! If you are unfamiliar with StumbleUpon, it is just an easy way to browse the internet, thanks to the millions of people out there suggesting cool sites. You can limit the websites you browse by changing your preferences. Very cool.

Here are some pages I have stumbled on lately and want to share:

1. Japanese IQ Test
Robo and I did this together. It took a while, but we figured it out as a team. Go ahead! Try it!

2. Street Performance Video
"This is a really cool street performance filmed in Berlin at the Reichstag."
It's true. It's pretty cool! It made me smile.

3. 360 degree panorama of The Great Wall
Because I haven't been too far off of North America, I thought this was really cool...not that I now feel like I have been there...I still would love to go some day and see it personally.

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