I just wanted to share with everyone since I'm sure some of you don't know how much of a creative well I am. (How many more times in this entry do you think I can say creative well?)
The other week we met up with our pals from lotus events, and catching up with them Andrea mentioned how she's going to take a crack at sewing, since she's a self-taught crafty girl. She reminded me how much I wanted to try out my new (as of a few months ago) sewing machine and learn how to sew fun stuff and ALSO reminded me how important it is to take a few minutes out of the week for myself :D
So! I set out to find myself a "Teenie, you, TOO, can learn how to sew!" book and put aside last Sunday to try my hand at sewing. I was DETERMINED to not only conquer my hand-me-down elna, but to also come out with a finished project.

I bought some practice fabric when I first got my elna and decided to use it to test my first ever project: placemats with chopstick pockets. FANTASTIC! Sure, there's wrinkles in the stitching and the first pocket was a little tight but let's see YOU try and learn how to sew all by yourself!

This Sunday: placemats with chopstick pockets...FOR REAL :)
oh and one more thing: creative well.
over and out!
I had no idea you were such a creative well! It's official. You're the creative wellest in the world...and your placemats aren't that bad either. Can I have mine in orange? thanks!
but I already picked out some fantastic fabric for your placemats! and they're not orange :| holy.
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