Wow! Can you believe it's 2008?! Where has the time gone?!
Another year of holidays have come and gone, and again, another year where Beans and I spent it on opposite ends of the country. Missed my bunny terribly, but definitely looking forward to exchanging our fun stories spent with family and friends!
Ben and I spent the whole week on the island with his family, as his dad was working straight through the holidays as Kris Kringle in Miracle on 34th. Fun, right?
The family decided to book tickets to see the last evening show before Christmas, and we all piled in our cars and made our way up island to see Papa John in his element. It was a really nice way to kick start the holidays, plus we even got the backstage tour!

We stayed with my bff, Kepmen, in his new condo and apart from a few days that he went up island to be with his family, the majority of our "spanning time" was playing tennis on the wii. We didn't realize how much of a GAMER Kepmen was until we caught him addictively playing by himself when we weren't looking! ha ha
marathon wii tennis match 2007
Kepmen opening up his presents from Santa!
Christmas eve & Christmas night was spent with the family, eating and eating and oh, did I mention more eating? It was so wonderful to just spend some quality time with the whole family, rubbing our bellies and laughing about years past. Thank you to Kerry & Tom for hosting Christmas, our bellies and hearts were definitely filled with love :)

We were even able to meet up with my cousin and his wife, who are new transplants to the island. It was definitely a week filled with friends and family and a lot of good times.
The end of our trip was focused mainly on our friends, Amber and Karn, wedding(s). I say "weddings", plural, because again, it was an Indian wedding which meant multiple events and functions for the week. Since Karn is one of Ben's good friends, he made it to a few of the functions during the week, and together we attended the ceremony at the temple, and the following night the joint wedding reception-cum-new years eve party. It was a great night filled with a lot of friends, reunions, love and a whole lot of dancing.

A few shots of the wedding ceremony.

A few shots of the wedding reception.

A whole lot of shots of the dance party that ensued.
By the first day of 2008, Ben and I were ready to make our way back home and start out the new year right (with a serious post turkey cleanse!).
Hope you and yours had a wonderful holiday season filled with as much fun, food, love and warmth as ours.
Happy 2008 to everyone!