This is going to be one of our events listed in November's "putting it out there" but I think it might be too need time to plan your bacon events.
Bacon with a Chef
Glenys Morgan, one of Vancouver’s most diverse chefs, will host a class featuring bacon on Saturday, November 1st at 1:00 pm. Spend one hour of your weekend learning creative and unique things to do with bacon, an ingredient all-too-often saturated with guilt rather than an appreciation for its fragrant and bold flavour. Chef Glenys will find inspiration from Sara Perry’s book Everything Tastes Better with Bacon. Cost: $35.00 (book included). Please call 604-688-6755 to register, and visit for more information.
When: November 1, 2008 at 1:00 pm
Where: Barbara-Jo's Books to Cooks, 1740 West 2nd Avenue, Vancouver
More Info: $35.00 (book included). Please call to register.
And then there's:
One Hour Easy: BREAKFAST
Saturday, November 8th, 1:00 pm
Chef Glenys Morgan shows us how to start our day off right with Breakfast at the Wolseley by A.A. Gill. Glenys will be cooking up her favourite quick breakfast delights from this elegant book.
Guests: 12 - Cost: $39.00
October 31, 2008
October 28, 2008
Breath of Light Yoga by Dawn Pittens
It's not the title of a book but the name of a new company brought to life by Dawn Pittens, an old friend of mine from grade 7 band class (we played the trumpet together). Ms Pittens contacted us a little while ago to get her logo and business cards created and we took on the project like it was our own. Just yesterday Ms Pittens picked up her business cards from the printer (a company in Ontario) and we got a little feedback in our inbox this morning.
"Just picked up the business cards and they look FABULOUS!!!! I was very giddy as I handed out my first card tonight and loved the ooooohhhs and ahhhhhhhs that I was getting. Love all your hard work and will definitely recommend you to everyone!!"
I just thought that was a great email to wake up to. Thanks, Dawn.
Here's a look at what we created for Dawn...

If you're in the Oshawa, Ontario area, and you're looking for a small yoga class with a passionate teacher, Dawn Pittens is your girl. She has created a little studio in her house, which gives her the ability to offer small or one-on-one classes at her own schedule.
Breath of Light Yoga
T: 905/433-4060
"Just picked up the business cards and they look FABULOUS!!!! I was very giddy as I handed out my first card tonight and loved the ooooohhhs and ahhhhhhhs that I was getting. Love all your hard work and will definitely recommend you to everyone!!"
I just thought that was a great email to wake up to. Thanks, Dawn.
Here's a look at what we created for Dawn...

If you're in the Oshawa, Ontario area, and you're looking for a small yoga class with a passionate teacher, Dawn Pittens is your girl. She has created a little studio in her house, which gives her the ability to offer small or one-on-one classes at her own schedule.
Breath of Light Yoga
T: 905/433-4060
October 24, 2008
Show and Tell #9
A big congratulations to Tamara and Mike on their marriage last Saturday!! I was just going through my photos and came across this one of Tamara and Mike's custom bookmark. I guess I was saving this gem for a special sunny day. Enjoy your day!

October 22, 2008
No More Annuals!!
The music video for Annuals keeps auto loading, so this is my post to take it to page 2. Bye! bye!
music to listen to
pack, drive, unpack
We did it! I am now settled in Fernie, B.C, or as settled as you can be in 2 days, and I'm just starting to breathe a little and look around me. It's so beautiful here. Today I'll tell my moving story in pictures...
1. Packing. Thanks, Dana and Rod!! We're a good team.

2. The loading. For the first 6 hours, of the 15 hour road trip, we were terrified that the truck will tip over. After 6 stops at the side of the highway in the first 7 km, we decided to get the plastic wrap out and secure the tarp like real shippers would. Rod is so smart.

3. Driving across British Columbia. No problems at all, other than a terrible accident that happened just outside of Invermere, which had us sitting at the side of the road for almost an hour. That's not so much a problem for us as for the people involved in the accident. In the picture to the right you can see the shadow of our questionably loaded truck.

4. Unpacking. I basically unpacked the whole trailer and truck on my own. I am a MACHINE!

5. Living in Fernie. Chopping wood, gorgeous sun sets, photographing Fernie and working in my new fabulous office...
1. Packing. Thanks, Dana and Rod!! We're a good team.

2. The loading. For the first 6 hours, of the 15 hour road trip, we were terrified that the truck will tip over. After 6 stops at the side of the highway in the first 7 km, we decided to get the plastic wrap out and secure the tarp like real shippers would. Rod is so smart.

3. Driving across British Columbia. No problems at all, other than a terrible accident that happened just outside of Invermere, which had us sitting at the side of the road for almost an hour. That's not so much a problem for us as for the people involved in the accident. In the picture to the right you can see the shadow of our questionably loaded truck.

4. Unpacking. I basically unpacked the whole trailer and truck on my own. I am a MACHINE!

5. Living in Fernie. Chopping wood, gorgeous sun sets, photographing Fernie and working in my new fabulous office...

brina and rod,
dana oikawa,
fernie bc,
new office
October 17, 2008

As the seasons change, so do the Days of our Lives at General Hospital...and by "change" I mean BIG changes. I, Brina L Schenk, am at this moment spending my last residential work day in Vancouver, BC. Starting Monday I will be working from my home in Fernie, BC. What impact does this have on you? Well, other than the fact that I won't be physically attending meetings (we're hoping for video conferencing though! FUN,) not much. I'll still be working full time on Blue Skies and Daisies and continuously creating cool and creative wedding stationery for those who want it. Blue Skies and Daisies will be the Blue Skies and Daisies we've always been; loving our jobs and moving full steam ahead.
What this means for Albertine and I is: less coffee dates, less hugging and more phone calls. Awe, that's sad. I'll be visiting Vancouver often to help out with production and give Albertine the support a co-owner needs, plus, I might need to get out of Fernie every so often to postpone my insanity.
What does this mean for Brina? This means I'll be living with my manfriend, Mr. Rodney Brink, who has been enduring a long distance relationship with me from it's inception (almost 2 years), I'll be living in a small mountain town (population 5000,) and getting used to snow again. It's gonna be great!
October 16, 2008
our stumbled links #7
BoKlok - IKEA is producing prefabricated housing? Bizarre.

"Developed in the UK by IKEA and Live Smart @ Home, BoKlok is a radical and innovative concept in housing.
photo from bloklok
The Eyeballing Game - I actually enjoyed this. I know it's a bit lame but I like to think I have good eyeballing skills. I did a few perfectly but MAN oh MAN was I way off on the triangle center...
The Napbook - a pillow laptop case. Dana should put this on her Christmas wish list.
"The Napbook is a laptopcase which also happens to be a comfortable cushion. It is designed for students and commercial people of 105 Reykjavík. Whether it be a class at LHÍ, a lengthy business meeting in Borgartún or just the odd journey home the Napbook should come in handy for the restless. It is sewn by a 105 Reykjavík local sewing room and it should be available at the Apple store around the corner."
photo from the napbook people

"Developed in the UK by IKEA and Live Smart @ Home, BoKlok is a radical and innovative concept in housing.
We build to satisfy our customers' real needs and desires - a great and safe environment, roominess and access to green space.
Created through a fruitful collaboration between skilled architects who know how to create stylish, modern and comfortable homes, and IKEA designers who understand how people want to live.
Utilising modern methods of construction, our homes meet or exceed all Building Regulation Standards and are designed to be very energy efficient and environmentally sustainable." from bloklok
The Eyeballing Game - I actually enjoyed this. I know it's a bit lame but I like to think I have good eyeballing skills. I did a few perfectly but MAN oh MAN was I way off on the triangle center...
The Napbook - a pillow laptop case. Dana should put this on her Christmas wish list.
"The Napbook is a laptopcase which also happens to be a comfortable cushion. It is designed for students and commercial people of 105 Reykjavík. Whether it be a class at LHÍ, a lengthy business meeting in Borgartún or just the odd journey home the Napbook should come in handy for the restless. It is sewn by a 105 Reykjavík local sewing room and it should be available at the Apple store around the corner."

laptop case,
stumble upon
October 15, 2008
Breaking down the As Is stationery
Today I want to break down the As Is products (already printed and packaged Ready2Wear stationery) and explain a little more how they work and what they're all about. We can't just assume you know what our stationery is for.
Included in our As Is Catalogue are:
Place cards/Escort cards
placement: usually placed either by the entrance or at the guest's seat at the reception venue.
directions: all our place cards are blank, so a lucky person (with the best penmanship) will get the opportunity to fill in the names and table seating information.
format: 3.25" wide x 1.25" high (folded, tent-style)
availability: we list our inventory numbers on the As Is online catalogue and each product is labeled by quantities per package and pricing per package.
bonus: there are a few special listings in the As Is catalogue which include table numbers on the escort card. Pretty cool!
Table cards/Table numbers
placement: at each table at the reception venue.
directions: all our table cards are numbered, mostly from 1-10 and up but each listing is unique and may have more or less.
format: 5.25" wide x 5.25" high (1-sided printing)
availability: we list our inventory numbers on the As Is online catalogue and each product is labeled by quantities per package and pricing per package.
Thank you gift tags/Favour tags
placement: attached to each wedding favour by string or any item that compliments your table decor.
format: 2.75" wide x 1.5" high, with hole punch on the top left-hand corner (1-sided printing)
availability: we list our inventory numbers on the As Is online catalogue and each product is labeled by quantities per package and pricing per package.
Guestbook Cards
placement: on your designated guestbook signing table.
directions: all our guestbook cards are blank. After the wedding, common uses are: placing them throughout the wedding photos, pasting them in a scrapbook or putting them all in a large frame...of course, you can do whatever you want with them. The leftover blank cards from the wedding are fantastic for note cards, possibly even thank you note cards.
format: 5.5" wide x 3.4" high (1-sided printing)
availability: we list our inventory numbers on the As Is online catalogue and each product is labeled by quantities per package and pricing per package.
Included in our As Is Catalogue are:

placement: usually placed either by the entrance or at the guest's seat at the reception venue.
directions: all our place cards are blank, so a lucky person (with the best penmanship) will get the opportunity to fill in the names and table seating information.
format: 3.25" wide x 1.25" high (folded, tent-style)
availability: we list our inventory numbers on the As Is online catalogue and each product is labeled by quantities per package and pricing per package.
bonus: there are a few special listings in the As Is catalogue which include table numbers on the escort card. Pretty cool!

placement: at each table at the reception venue.
directions: all our table cards are numbered, mostly from 1-10 and up but each listing is unique and may have more or less.
format: 5.25" wide x 5.25" high (1-sided printing)
availability: we list our inventory numbers on the As Is online catalogue and each product is labeled by quantities per package and pricing per package.

placement: attached to each wedding favour by string or any item that compliments your table decor.
format: 2.75" wide x 1.5" high, with hole punch on the top left-hand corner (1-sided printing)
availability: we list our inventory numbers on the As Is online catalogue and each product is labeled by quantities per package and pricing per package.

placement: on your designated guestbook signing table.
directions: all our guestbook cards are blank. After the wedding, common uses are: placing them throughout the wedding photos, pasting them in a scrapbook or putting them all in a large frame...of course, you can do whatever you want with them. The leftover blank cards from the wedding are fantastic for note cards, possibly even thank you note cards.
format: 5.5" wide x 3.4" high (1-sided printing)
availability: we list our inventory numbers on the As Is online catalogue and each product is labeled by quantities per package and pricing per package.
October 14, 2008
Thanks...For Everything
Ken and Junko cooked up a marvelous feast last night at The Lion's Den. It was exactly what I needed. Dana Oikawa and Jason Hasselmann were decent side dishes as well. They tasted a lot like chicken.

I'm going to miss this place. I'm going to miss a lot of things...

I'm going to miss this place. I'm going to miss a lot of things...
dana oikawa,
jason hasselmann,
The Lion's Den
October 13, 2008
Prettyland For Thanksgiving
Dana Oikawa and I, Brina, left for Vancouver Island on Friday to spend a couple days with Karen and Werner (a 1st introduction for Dana) in their "new" house. It was a trip later titled the Farewell Tour but not because I won't be returning ever again, but because I leave for Fernie on Sunday!! HOKEY DOODLE!

We entered their new house (after 6 hours of traveling) and during the initial tour we flipped through the pictures taken pre-renovations. It's such a 70s house from the outside but it has been transformed on the inside.

All Dana and I wanted to accomplish was hanging out with Karen and Werner and that's exactly what we did. We helped them move a couch outside for pickup, took their recycling to the traveling depot, watched Werner dig up roots, watched Werner hang pictures on the wall, watched Werner cook us omelets and watched Werner check his forum. Werner is really fun to watch.
It was much better than it sounds.

We also each ate 3 donuts, drove to the salmon run (2 weeks too early,) played games and had breakfast with Alice Young.
Best. Weekend. Ever.
You are correct in observing no thanksgiving dinner in these pictures but dinner takes place tonight at the Lion's Den. Junko is preparing a traditional thanksgiving feast for anyone that comes in (not for free) and I am planning on eating a minimal lunch to make sure I'm ravishing by the time I get there.
Happy Thanksgiving!!

We entered their new house (after 6 hours of traveling) and during the initial tour we flipped through the pictures taken pre-renovations. It's such a 70s house from the outside but it has been transformed on the inside.

All Dana and I wanted to accomplish was hanging out with Karen and Werner and that's exactly what we did. We helped them move a couch outside for pickup, took their recycling to the traveling depot, watched Werner dig up roots, watched Werner hang pictures on the wall, watched Werner cook us omelets and watched Werner check his forum. Werner is really fun to watch.
It was much better than it sounds.

We also each ate 3 donuts, drove to the salmon run (2 weeks too early,) played games and had breakfast with Alice Young.
Best. Weekend. Ever.
You are correct in observing no thanksgiving dinner in these pictures but dinner takes place tonight at the Lion's Den. Junko is preparing a traditional thanksgiving feast for anyone that comes in (not for free) and I am planning on eating a minimal lunch to make sure I'm ravishing by the time I get there.
Happy Thanksgiving!!
October 10, 2008
Looking back...
October 9, 2008
Ready2Wear Colour Changes
On June 26th, 2008 I did a post about custom Ready2Wear colour changes and this morning I thought back to that great day and decided to expand on this idea. It's a remarkable idea. I know. Every month I'll try and explore various colour schemes on a different design. I'm not sure if anyone noticed but we have a few recurring posts, such as: Music to listen to, BSD Featured wedding, Our stumbled links and Show and Tell. This list will grow as we all grow together. Awe family.
The Application
Today I chose Wind In The Willows' save-the-date postcard. I applied 3 different colour schemes to show you how a design completely changes form. They really do take on a new personality.

In Conclusion
Colours are fun. Play with them.
The Application
Today I chose Wind In The Willows' save-the-date postcard. I applied 3 different colour schemes to show you how a design completely changes form. They really do take on a new personality.

In Conclusion
Colours are fun. Play with them.
October 8, 2008
Deb Garlick ~ A Painter & Photographer
Deb Garlick is a gifted artist from Victoria that I have sadly never met but have emailed back and forth many times. It's funny how emailing can help a friendship grow...but i guess that's how pen pals used to work.
I recently worked on her new website and we both thought it came out perfectly. Deb had a vision for her website and all I did was make it come it life.

What makes her website so beautiful is the art she displays on it. Her paintings are exceptional. They are full of personal emotions; very introspective and calm.
Deb's work can be seen in several galleries so look out for her work in your home town. Until then, you can see her latest work and news at
I recently worked on her new website and we both thought it came out perfectly. Deb had a vision for her website and all I did was make it come it life.

What makes her website so beautiful is the art she displays on it. Her paintings are exceptional. They are full of personal emotions; very introspective and calm.
Deb's work can be seen in several galleries so look out for her work in your home town. Until then, you can see her latest work and news at
deb garlick,
new website,
victoria bc
October 7, 2008
Music To Listen To
Maria Taylor - myspace - acoustic melody with Andy LeMaster
Annuals - myspace - experimental pop
Why? - myspace - mellow rock for your mind
WHY? - "Song of the Sad Assassin" live at Dublab
Annuals - myspace - experimental pop
Why? - myspace - mellow rock for your mind
WHY? - "Song of the Sad Assassin" live at Dublab
maria taylor,
music to listen to,
October 3, 2008
show and tell #8 - fall wedding invitations

Amy and Brent
Amy and Brent had such a creative idea for their wedding invitations and, therefore, challenged me in ways I did not think I would be challenged. This invitation makes me want to be their friends! We would have so much fun together...the parties...the tomfoolery...the laughs!! It's also the perfect Halloween wedding invitation. Thanks Amy and Brent for believing in us.

Dragana and David
Dragana and David just wanted a boarding pass invitation that was simple, included their fall colours, and had some sort of tree or branch with leaves on it. Mission not impossible. It's such a pretty design and I'm so glad they loved it right from the start.
October 2, 2008
The Drift is on
I didn't even know this was happening until last night!
There is a 2 day art festivifunity going on this weekend along main street.
It's called The Drift
"Drift along Main Street and see an eclectic variety of fine art and original handcrafts from established and emerging local artists including ceramics, painting, sculpture, photography, woodcarvings, collage, mixed media, glass works, jewelry, film, clothing design, textiles & multi-media compositions."
I don't know about you but I'm going!
There is a 2 day art festivifunity going on this weekend along main street.
It's called The Drift
"Drift along Main Street and see an eclectic variety of fine art and original handcrafts from established and emerging local artists including ceramics, painting, sculpture, photography, woodcarvings, collage, mixed media, glass works, jewelry, film, clothing design, textiles & multi-media compositions."
I don't know about you but I'm going!
main street,
the drift,
vancouver bc
October 1, 2008
featured bsd wedding : october : eileen and jeremy

Venue: Vancouver Paddlewheeler and Laguna Blu
Photographer: Scott D Johnson Photography
Our involvement: customized Ready2Wear invitations
Eileen wrote into our info inbox early August of 2007 looking for wedding invitations for her November wedding. There was definitely a sense of urgency that we all felt, as her wedding was coming up very quickly.
We booked a meeting right away so that we could meet and get started on the process without losing any more time. Eileen came into our office and with ease, decided that she liked our Ready2Wear Just Be Vibrant's simple, modern design...but could she have it in a custom layout? "Of course!" was our answer!
Read more and see Eileen and Jeremy's invitation here..
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