October 15, 2008

Breaking down the As Is stationery

Today I want to break down the As Is products (already printed and packaged Ready2Wear stationery) and explain a little more how they work and what they're all about. We can't just assume you know what our stationery is for.

Included in our As Is Catalogue are:

Place cards/Escort cards

usually placed either by the entrance or at the guest's seat at the reception venue.

directions: all our place cards are blank, so a lucky person (with the best penmanship) will get the opportunity to fill in the names and table seating information.

format: 3.25" wide x 1.25" high (folded, tent-style)

availability: we list our inventory numbers on the As Is online catalogue and each product is labeled by quantities per package and pricing per package.

bonus: there are a few special listings in the As Is catalogue which include table numbers on the escort card. Pretty cool!

Table cards/Table numbers

placement: at each table at the reception venue.

directions: all our table cards are numbered, mostly from 1-10 and up but each listing is unique and may have more or less.

format: 5.25" wide x 5.25" high (1-sided printing)

availability: we list our inventory numbers on the As Is online catalogue and each product is labeled by quantities per package and pricing per package.

Thank you gift tags/Favour tags

placement: attached to each wedding favour by string or any item that compliments your table decor.

format: 2.75" wide x 1.5" high, with hole punch on the top left-hand corner (1-sided printing)

availability: we list our inventory numbers on the As Is online catalogue and each product is labeled by quantities per package and pricing per package.

Guestbook Cards

placement: on your designated guestbook signing table.

directions: all our guestbook cards are blank. After the wedding, common uses are: placing them throughout the wedding photos, pasting them in a scrapbook or putting them all in a large frame...of course, you can do whatever you want with them. The leftover blank cards from the wedding are fantastic for note cards, possibly even thank you note cards.

format: 5.5" wide x 3.4" high (1-sided printing)

availability: we list our inventory numbers on the As Is online catalogue and each product is labeled by quantities per package and pricing per package.

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