Okay, so I'm a little late in my blogging about Shabina's shower, but I have a REALLY good excuse! I've been out of the country for the past week attending our other friends' wedding! And GAMBLING! :D Don't worry, I'm sure I'll eventually blog about that trip too!
Back to my original reason for blogging...two of our dearest and awesomenest friends are getting married before the year's out, and I had the pleasure of attending the first of the many parties for both Shabina and Ronnh in celebration for their wedding day.

This party, Shabina's bridal shower, was hosted and organized by her longtime friend, Anne Sanderson (I just like to say her full name, it rolls off the tongue). She seriously went above and beyond the call of duty, organizing all of us to attend, making an AWESOME cake for the party (FANCY cake) and made sure there wasn't a minute unplanned with eating, games, presents or cake. Thanks to Anne for such a good time!

It was a lovely sunny Sunday afternoon filled with good friends, lots of love and tons of laughter. Thanks to Kinder for all the yummy food and of course to Anne for getting us all together. And although I had to fly out of town for Shabina's following event (last Saturday's surprise stagette), I'm sure I'll see all you ladies very soon at the next party for Shabina & Ronnh!

Congratulations again, Shabina & Ronnh!!!
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