Our little clan seems to be slowly growing with the only kid representative being Lexybear, Court & Karen's 2 1/2 year old daughter, and if you include Benjamin, we're about 8 strong. Mind you, if we include everyone we would be able to make up a small rural town or even a nice representation for a United Colours of Benetton ad.

Our evening was filled with indulgence including steaks, lobsters, starters, mains, sangrias, beers and laughs. Somewhere between the getting up to ring-around-the-rosy with Lexy, the bathroom breaks, the mad dashes to take pictures of Tony Robbin's bike, and the excessive eating of that devilishly good sourdough bread, we forgot to have dessert! I think Karen and my mom are the only ones that really were heartbroken over it...especially since the rest of us did manual CPR on each other with all the arteries we clogged up over the course of dinner.

Although Court, Simon and I all live within a 40 minute drive of each other, it seems as though our busy lives make it difficult for us to see each other more than once every few months. Monday night's dinner out makes me remember how good it is to be around family and because of it, at least one of these siblings is going to make sure we all see each other again before 2007's out....hey, maybe even twice!

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