Really? I mean, I know most of you are like, PLEASE TEEN, like I'm that self-absorbed! Come on...you know as well as me there have been situations, socially or professionally, where you're standing in a circle of random people you may or may not have known before that very minute and you're staring around the room and thinking to yourself, "am I the only person here with conscious thought?"
Okay maybe not but if you're like me: a dragon with a big mouth and a lot of attitude, it's only natural to think hey, I'm a fairly smart individual!
WELL, if you're ever in a situation where your head starts to get just a wee bigger than it should, PLAY A GAME OF TRIVIAL PURSUIT.
Last Sunday night, Ben's brother, Joel, and his little lady, Ella, came over to visit, catch up and play a rousing late night game of Trivial Pursuit 90's Edition. You're thinking to yourself, whaaa? 90's Edition? NO SWEAT, right?
Although I've not only lived through the 90's but completed secondary school AND got through a majority of my post secondary, apparently through most of the decade I lived in a cave with cotton balls in my ears and a sleeping mask over my eyes.
There were questions about movies (which most I've seen but still answered wrong and I'm using the "my memory sucks" card), fashion/trends, TECHNOLOGY (....I have to digress here because, as most of you may know, I have a degree. Not any degree, mind you, but a degree in computer science. I know, I'll give you a minute to take it all in. Good? Okay...I don't think I got ONE QUESTION RIGHT in this category...), current events, and blunders (An oops! category).
I'm telling you, if you ever need to come off that high horse of yours, play a round of this boardgame. Any edition. The classic, the pop culture, the 90's. It doesn't matter, the game always wins. It takes your dignity and then laughs at you for even thinking you're all that (and a bag of chips).
Trust me.
1 comment:
I feel like I should go back to grade 3 after I play a game like that...or read more textbooks.
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