June 15, 2007

impromptu photo shoot with the kramers

soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo i'm finally ready to blog again. i did the first one, felt good about it, took a time out, pause...and now i'm ready to blog!

yesterday ended up being a very fun extra-cirric day for me (teenie). after work beans and i high-fived and i walked towards the beach and she walked towards south main. i was headed to my pals mike & melinda's to do an impromptu photo shoot for their invitations! FUN!!! you can call me: teenie, photog extraordinaire!

even with sucky pants mike dragging his feet behind us, we ended up getting some really sweet shots of the two of them. i get it now. i get why our photographer friends love their jobs. you get to capture beautiful, stolen moments for a living. i totally get it.

thanks melinda & mike, you guys rock my world!

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