4. While driving along Highway 3 I noticed these strange electrical poles set up RIGHT beside an electrical pole with a big flat board at the top. This made no sense to my brain and then 2 miles down the road I saw another one with a huge nest on top. Rod then explained to me that the Hydro company sets up these poles because
Eagles and Ospreys tend to build nests at the top of the electrical poles (they're so tall with 5 star views,) which makes it either hard to do repairs or is just a risk to the Eagles, so they give them a pole of their own. I thought that was really cool.
Picture taken from this website.
5. Online Shopping. Although I haven't actually done this yet, when you're in Fernie, this is how most people do their shopping. The stores in Fernie are smaller and limited in stock so getting over a fear of online shopping is almost essential. The closest city is Cranbrook, an hour West, and Lethbridge, 2 hours East, which have way more options...if you can get there. This also means that every time you do go to Cranbrook, Lethbridge or Calgary, you tend to have a list of places you need to go to, so be prepared before you get on the road. Time is precious!!
6. Fernie, a town of 2,000 to 4,000 (depending on the time of year) has birthed a few names you may have heard of. Here are two Fernie celebrities...
Emily Brydon, much loved by everyone in Fernie, is on the Canadian Alpine Ski Team and a World Cup Bronze medalist.
(photo from ourfernie.com)
Alex Lifeson, born in Fernie, was a guitartist for a little rock band called Rush.