On Friday, the family piled into a purpley/blue van and headed to Ucluelet, BC. It was a much longed for vacation/Deanna and Jimmy's wedding weekend. Mr and Mrs Gay, Benjamin Krich, Albertine De Leon and me (Brina Schenk) enjoyed 4 days on the island bbqing, laughing, tossing the frizbee on the beach, eating, drinking and enjoying the old growth rainforest. Beauuutiful.
We had neighbouring cottages at Reefpoint, which were very nice but strangely built close together, just like the suburbs I grew up in. I felt like there should have a been a plaza next door with a zellers, macs and shoppers drug mart in it. Still, it was very comfortable and we had lots of fun there.

[What my little bobo failed to mention in her beautiful introduction to this blog is how we spent our evenings out on the westcoast of the island. (This is teenie, by the way.) Apparently, we all had ingested too much clean island air, that-or we were all just beat from life that our vacation meant much deserved and needed rest (read: we were all snoring-I mean, SLEEPING, by 11PM!)-so, rather than go out and do it up and party like it was 1999, instead we (the family unit) opted for cooking our dinners on our bbq and sitting outside on our deck for the evening...counting down the minutes until the first one of us started complaining about the mosquito bites. That, or Bunny's stuffed nose, was our signal that it was lights out time.
Anyways...as my story goes, our first night on the deck was filled with bottles of wine and loads of BUD and our first introduction to our sneaky stellars jay friends hanging out by the tree near by. So of course, Benjamin (aka Lover of All Animals) finds some extra hotdog buns to feed our little pals (much to all the signs we saw the following day saying: DON'T FEED THE WILDLIFE). It was cute, it was fun, it was exciting! Our little bird friend came and ate and slowly built his confidence and hey, maybe even got a little cocky.
Cocky, you say? Not as cocky as our little Bunny(aka Snow White of Ucluelet)! Miss Brina Louise, herself, decided that it would be AWESOME if the bird ATE out of her hand! So there she sat: hand outstretched, bun in her hand, calling out for the bird...waiting, waiting, waiting. But what? Bun in the hand not good enough? Hey! Let's try feeding it from our MOUTH!!! yesssssssss, THAT's the ticket! Sigh, lemme tell ya, I haven't laughed that hard since Towlie.
If you're ever by our office, remind us to show you the video of Bah-rina. It's a good time. had. by. all.
Teenie out.]
Over the weekend we managed to get out there and do some West Coasty things. Rainforest trail CHECK, Long Beach watching the surfers CHECK

Our main purpose for visiting the island was for Deanna and Jimmy's wedding. And what a wedding it was. Gorgeous location, fanastic couple and guitar hero. My brother Trevor would be very impressed with the guitar hero part. All three of us rocked out. Thanks Dee and Jim! A weekend to remember.

Our perfect weekend ended with a yummy italian sandwich and coffee on Commercial Drive.